You start the second level here.
Stay at the bottom of the screen and walk right.


Walk right again and pickup the  branch.


Go right two times and get the  Key.


Go left and then enter the door.
Go left again and then right two times.

Use the  Key to open the gates.


Go through the gates and pick up the  Medicine Bottle.


Go out again and then left and through the round door.


Go right and collect the  sling and the  Matches.


Go right, Punch the Orb Guardian while holding the  Matches, then get the  Orb.

Go right and give the  Medicine Bottle to the witch doctor, he will then give you a  Key.


Go Down, Left, Left, Down, Left, Left, Down and then right three times.
Punch the left guard while holding the  Key to open the gate then enter the Next level.